We Had a Circus of a School Board Meeting On Tuesday (Audio)

BOARD VICE PRESIDENT HEATHER BENNETT is conducting the meeting and admits that the Board has been violating Utah’s Open meeting Act.


Heather Bennett

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           Audio starts at about time index 1:20

This recording is the April 9, 2013, School Board Meeting discussing the March 5, 2013, Minute Meetings. The Part of the minutes that we are talking about is what was captured in the 03-05-13 meeting:

I am asking that Policy B2 and the Open Meetings Act be inserted into this language on page 7 of the March, 05,2013 meeting.

Page 7 of the March 5, 2013 Meeting Minutes:

3. Minutes of the Board Business Meeting held Jan 8, 2013. Mr. Clára requested a change on page 4 of the minutes to include the words “precinct” and “district” in the second paragraph, regarding the point of order. Board members agreed to the change. Mr. Clára also requested a letter be included in the official minutes in question. Due to concerns that were raised, the following motion was made.N

 (5) A motion was made to postpone voting on the Minutes of the Board Business Meeting held January 8, 2013, until the March 19, 2013 Board Study Session, when legal counsel could be present. Approval was given to the motion on a vote of six to one, with Mr. Clára voting nay. **(Nelson & Young)

PDF Link to Letter


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