“When an SIC sits down and if they predetermine what they want taught because of the adults in the room and that happens in some of our schools more than it should ever occur, then we are missing the opportunity to better serve kids and that effects dropout rates” McKell Withers
“Your core [high school] teachers have 220 kids, obviously that effects how they relate to students….there is a connection between the fact that you have fewer teachers in core subjects…” Board Member Emery
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The School Improvement Council (SIC) which consists of members of the faculty, staff and administration in a school building is a component of the Site-Based Decision model.
The attached eleven minute audio is an exchange between Superintendent Withers and fellow Board member Rosemary Emery at our July 9, 2013, School Board meeting.
I will resist the temptation to add my editorial comments at this time. If you serve or have served on an SIC and have some insight into this polarized discussion please feel free to contact me and share your perspective.
This will continue to be a topic of discussion and it is important for School Board members to understand the dynamics of the SIC and the implications of their decisions.