Technology In Education – This space explores issues of education policy within the Salt Lake City School District and promotes a culture of high expectations for all students Sat, 24 Aug 2013 15:01:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Public School Bureaucracy Running Amock (Again!) Sat, 24 Aug 2013 15:01:55 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Janet Roberts, Salt Lake City School District -Business Administrator

                      Janet Roberts                       Salt Lake City School District Business Administrator

As a local elected official, the Utah state legislature has given me the authority to exercise my fiduciary duty over the finances of the school district (Utah Code 53A-3-402)

My neighbors decided at the ballot box, that I should have the power to exercise that authority. I find myself, yet again, attempting to navigate the road blocks that the school district bureaucracy throws in my path.

Case in point: I recently filed a  GRAMA Request with the district’s business administrator, Janet Roberts.

I should point out that as an elected official, I shouldn’t have to file a GRAMA request in order to get information that by law is mine to review in this first place.

Yet, in a somewhat comical reversal of roles, the business administrator and the superintendent think I work for them. When in reality the reverse is true (Utah Code 53A-3-301 & Utah Code: 53-3-302 ).

I was seeking information about the Smart School Technology program that the  Salt Lake Tribune reported that one of the Elementary schools in the district was going to participate in.

I was attempting to determine how the school district was going to pay, the close to $400,000.00 dollar price tag, in light of the fact that earlier this year, we were told that we were on the verge of cutting school staff and school programs if we didn’t raise taxes.

I also wanted to know how the district applied for the grant without getting approval, as the law was explicit:

“a school within a school district, with approval of the local school board…may submit an application to the State Board of Education to participate in the program” (S.B. 284 -See Line 92)

In response to my GRAMA request, I was informed my Janet Roberts that I would not receive the requested information in advance of the next school board meeting (See email correspondence ).

So, I was compelled to file yet another complaint with the State Auditor’s Office.

In my letter to the State Auditor I state the following conclusion, which bears repeating:

“I support the concept of “whole-school technology deployment”.

I cannot, however, abide a bureaucracy that consistently exhibits a disdain for the powers and authority of the duly elected institution of the local school board.”

If the problem in the Salt Lake City public school system (at the highest levels of management) was just incompetence, we would be immeasurably better off.

In dealing with the current institutional puzzle palace, I feel that I have found the bedrock of human stupidity. Or should we ask ourselves if that is just part of the system’s camouflage, incompetence covering multiple forms of misfeasance?

Upgrading Schools for a Digital World Wed, 13 Feb 2013 04:45:12 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Upgrading schools for a digital world by John Florez

If 65 percent of children entering school this fall may end up in careers that haven’t been invented, why do lawmakers think evaluating teachers annually will improve education?

According to a MacArthur Foundation study, 65 percent of students in today’s classrooms will be doing jobs that have not yet been created. So why do lawmakers want to evaluate teachers based on a system that is teaching kids for a world that no longer exists? Today’s students may not be doctors, lawyers, genetic counselors or app developers. “Even those digital-age careers will be old hat. Maybe … (they’ll be) … plying a trade none of us old-timers will even recognize as work,” according to Cathy N. Davidson, co-director of the MacArthur Foundation (“Education needs a digital-age upgrade, New York Times, Aug. 7).

The problem isn’t teachers. The problem is we have leaders who have not taken the time to understand how the world has changed. Our educational system is still educating students for jobs of the agrarian and industrial eras designed around production, grades, memorization, testing and time clocks. The new economy is driven by knowledge, creativity, innovation and imagination.

All jobs that can be automated, digitized or outsourced are gone, and the only security one has about a job is the ability to adapt, create and reinvent. Davidson says, “We can’t keep preparing students for a world that doesn’t exist. We can’t keep ignoring the formidable cognitive skills they’re developing on their own. And above all, we must stop disparaging digital prowess just because some of us over 40 don’t happen to possess it.”

This year Utah lawmakers passed a law requiring annual evaluations for all teachers, believing the reason we had declining education rates was because of bad teachers and that annual evaluations would improve public education. They have directed each school district to develop its own teacher evaluation program. Such patchwork fixes to education not only create more needless and costly regulations for schools, but also divert and mask the main problem with education — it’s an old system that has not changed to keep pace with the times.

The Utah State Board of Education will soon be rolling out its own two-year study on teacher evaluation methods that will require schools to follow conflicting regulations — one by the state and one by the Legislature. It’s an example of why our schools are rudderless and in constant chaos. The board is once again creating a top-down planning process rather than involving front-line teachers in developing a fair and meaningful evaluation system.

Our policy makers should be humble enough to take the time to do what successful leaders do if they are serious about retooling our public education for the global economy: try to understand how the world has changed and what the future might look like; educate and inform citizens about the challenges they face; share a vision of what needs to be done; and invite the public to work to seek common solutions. Imposing power and demanding things only breeds contempt and resistance and shows a lack of trust and respect for the individual.

America is experiencing a leadership vacuum where our leaders are more concerned about ideology and egos, exploiting the fear of a changing and uncertain world for their own political gain, rather than calling upon the best in people. Our nation is crying for leaders who can understand how our world has changed and pull us together as other leaders have done in troubled times.

If we know 65 percent of the children starting school this month will be doing jobs yet to be invented, how can we allow them to languish in schools we know will fail to prepare them for their new world?

A Utah native, John Florez has been on the staff of Sen. Orrin Hatch, served as former Utah Industrial Commissioner and filled White House appointments, including Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor and Commission on Hispanic Education.

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