Had a great time this morning at West High’s 9th grade orientation. We all met in the auditorium and then broke up into five groups and we rotated into various workshops.
I was particularity impressed with the fact that the staff and administration was aware of the dropout rate of their freshmen and were not afraid to to embrace that ‘truth’.
Unlike the mindset and masking I see happening in the Echo Chamber (school board meetings).
This power point slide shows the reality of the matter. Needless to say, there is a gap between the numbers the school is showing and the inflated graduation numbers the Superintendent presented at recent school board meetings.
Taking a proactive stance on the issue, the school conducted a survey last year among the students in an effort to determine why they were ‘sluffing’.
It was refreshing to see this issue discussed openly and with a level of determination to retain 9th graders so that they become 10th graders.
These pictures are blurry, I took them with my phone. In this PowerPoint slide they list pointer to High School Success.
Five Basics of High School Success:
1. Decide to Graduate
2. Be Here
3. Be Prepared
4. Use Your Planner
5. Turn Everything Inn
They also gave each student the following documents titled:
PDF LINK: Secrets to School Success Checklist
PDF LINK: West High Where Attendance Counts
I realize that the students most at risk will not be inclined to follow the advice given on this day.
The local administration and teachers started a program this year that will address the crisis with 9th grade dropouts.
It is called 9th Grade Connects (I need to confirm that name). The program is headed up by Assistant Principal Gene Bonella. I recalled it being discusses several times last year in the School Community Council meetings (SCC).
The local administration has identified 100 incoming 9th graders that are most at risk of dropping out of school. These students will be required to check in with a particular teacher each day. Any missed classes or school days are immediately looked into. Their academic progress will be closely monitored.
I commend the local administration, staff and SCC Chair Steve Asay, for their sensitivity to this issue.
In speaking to the them about this program, I could sense their deep commitment and determination to see these students succeed.
There were many good things that happen at orientation. As a policymaker, at this time, I am concerned about the high dropout rate of the students from my community.
I am always looking for those programs and methods that will help us graduate all students. I am always asking if we are spending my neighbor’s tax dollars where we will get the highest return for our investment. In this case, the highest return is measured by more students completing 9th grade.