Three Cheers for Glendale Middle School! Grade: B

Micheal, Representative Romero, Señor Archuleta

Micheal, Representative Romero, Señor Archuleta at Glendale Middle School

Utah’s House of Representative Angela Romero, Archie Archuleta
and I had an awesome meeting with Glendale Middle School’s administration on Wednesday-September 4, 2013. We received an update on the great strides in academic success that the students at Glendale are achieving. 


Below is the text of a letter I sent to the Principal: 

4 September 2013


Mr. Chris Gesteland, Principal
℅ Glendale Middle School
1430 W. Andrew Avenue
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104

Re: Congratulations!

Mr. Gesteland,

I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you, your administration, teachers and staff for achieving a B grade under Utah’s new school grading system. I recognize that this is no small feat for a Title 1 school. In recent years, I have been thrilled to witness Glendale Middle School’s upward academic trajectory.

This new pinnacle is a testament to the leadership of your administration and the hard work of our teachers. I am particularly impressed with the way community involvement from various organizations has been leveraged to help make Glendale the school it is today.

There is no question that the success of Glendale Middle School is a reflection of the hard work, dedication and maturity our students. We all recognize that our students have achieved these new heights because of the expertise, effort and enthusiasm of our teachers and support staff.

This B grade level of achievement for your school is something we can all celebrate!

This achievement is to be celebrated, not just in how this school grade reflects the heightened academic abilities of our students, but also in the currency these new heights will provide for so many in opening the doors to an exciting and challenging new future in High School and beyond.

Always know of my continued support and admiration for a job well done.



J. Michael Clára
Board Member, District 2

cc: Senator Luz Robles
Representative Angela Romero
Señor Archie Archuleta

PDF Link to letter

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