School District Responds to GRAMA Request: Lunch Payment System



On February 10, 2014, I sent an email to Business Administrator Janet Roberts, asking for a copy of the contract that the District has with the Payments Plus Company.

Janet replied that there is none and instead sends me a copy of the Request for Proposal. I then asked her for a signed copy of the RFP and she states that there is none:

PDF Link:Gmail -MyPaymentsPlus

I then sent a GRAMA request to the Superintendent on February 14, 2014:

PDF Link to my GRAMA Request

The District responds to my GRAMA request on February 24, 2014. I was not at all surprised to find that contrary to Janet Robert’s earlier assertions, there was indeed a signed RFP and signed contract.

PDF Link to District’s GRAMA Response

Here are the PDF links to the information that was sent. This is only the public information:




THERE is a document titled: Horizon REDACTED - it will not upload - I will need to see what the issue is. If you are reading this blog and it is not yet posted, you can email me and I will send it as an attachment.It is a 460 page document, I may need to break down in parts. My email is

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