Parents For Choice in Education (Audio)


Michael & Judy Clark

Parents for Choice in Education is dedicated to ensuring every child has equal access to a quality education by empowering parents, increasing choice, and promoting innovative solutions to Utah’s educational challenges.

Link: Parent for Choice in Education


In the March 19, 2013, School Board meeting the issue of Senate Bill 271 School Grading Amendment, was brought up by the Superintendent.

Link to Bill

Superintendent Withers stated that the House members were confused about the bill and he expressed disappointment in the Senate President.

Board President Swett & Superintendent Whithers

Board President Swett & Superintendent Whithers

Board President Kristi Swett also weighed in on the conversation:

“It’s become really apparent that there is a particular special interest group [Parents For Choice in Education] that he [Governor] is recognizing and shouldn’t be in the middle of these conversations”

“They [Parents For Choice in Education] were involved in involved in actually writing this bill [SB271] and when you have a special interest group write a bill over public education, that shouldn’t be happening”

This part of the meeting was edited out of the March 19,2013, School Board meeting audio that is posted on the district web page:

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