Equitable Distribution of Experienced Teachers (Letter)


Board President & Superintendent

On February 20, 2013, I sent a letter to the school board president asking her to place the teacher staffing issue on the agenda of one of the next two board meetings:

Letter: P1         Letter: P2

On February  24, 2013, The school board president replied stating that she would not place the issue on the agenda because it would require  “such a rapid realignment of agenda priorities”. She also stated “We are sorry you feel we have not given appropriate weight to your immediate concerns.”


B-2 – Agenda Development: The board president, board vice president, and superintendent should develop board meeting agendas collaboratively. Any board member may request that a topic be placed on an upcoming meeting agenda by contacting the board president or vice president. In general, scheduling of topics is at the discretion of board leadership, but if three or more board members submit a request that a topic be placed on the agenda, that request will be accommodated within two meetings.

Sadly, the president did not want to exercise her “discretion” and place it on the agenda for the reasons cited above.


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