An echo chamber is a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by transmission inside an “enclosed” space, often drowning out ‘new’ or ‘outside’ views. In this blog the ‘enclosed’ space referred to is the room in which the School Board meetings are held. Inside the Echo Chamber is a new blog category that will highlight the Salt Lake City School District’s insular communication space where everyone agrees with the information … Continue reading

School Board Responds Via Attorney: OCR Inquiry (Letter)

Six months later the so called School Board Responds. I say “so called” because the attorney claims to be speaking for the School Board. Yet, I am a member of the School Board and don’t recall any meeting where we discussed this issue or voted on it and came to a consensus on a direction that we should pursue. Yet the attorney claims to be speaking for the School Board. Ironically, I wanted to discuss … Continue reading